Thursday, November 4, 2010

Taking On The Bathroom!

I have been working very hard while also maintaining a clean house. Since I am not at home all day I can't spend as much time as I normally would cleaning up,but I still manage to have my house in order.Well hubby doesn't understand that I can't get down and do that detailed cleaning when, I'm soo tired that I can't even see LOL.He had mentioned the other day to bring in a maid to clean the bathroom YIKES that hurt a little. He assured me that I was doing a great job and that he just wanted to help me out,but I took it a little different.So before he calls the maid service I'm taking on the bathroom. I've got to keep my motivation up and make sure hubby can see that I don't need any maid to help me clean up my OWN house. So off I go wish me luck!


  1. He is doing it out of love at least!! He wants to help you- not offend you. Having the maid, if it's financially available- doesn't make you lesser. It makes you more able to put the finishing touches that makes your home- home! A loving living space. A place to communicate, pray, cook, laugh....

  2. Ya'll are GREAT! Yes I'll be praying,cooking and always laughing..


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