Thursday, November 5, 2009

Anniversary is near

It's almost my anniversary and I am so excited! On the 19th I will have been married to my hubby for 11 years. It's been quite a journey. So now, here we are...... We have really been through a lot, gotten through a lot, and changed a lot. If I could go back and give my younger self any advice it would be to cling to Christ. It really is because of the Lord that we've been married this long. Now for the fun part, planning how we will celebrate our anniversary. Thanks to my sister, Alonna's, post on how she celebrated her hubby's birthday, it shouldn't be so hard for me. Last night I came to hubby and told him some ideas that I had for our anniversary and he told me that he already had it taken care of. What a nice surprise! He told me that we were going to eat at the restaurant in the aquarium downtown, but he won't give up any other details. I'm so excited that I can hardly wait! Next, what in the world should I give him for a gift? Well, well, well, any old wife might just go out and buy a card and a gift, but not me. I am absolutely not an ordinary wife and like things personal and not to mention thrifty. So here's what I'm thinking....maybe a homemade card, a back massage, and his favorite dessert(no bake chocolate oatmeal cookies).  Grandma has already volunteered to babysit so we have that whole night to ourselves. I'll have to let everyone know how it all turns out. Until then let the countdown begin:-)

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