Friday, October 22, 2010

Pre Organizing!

I gotta get on it ..Not clean clean cleaning,But organizing! It's that time of year I feel like it just happened but I do notice slight differences {like last year I had like 8 trash bags full of junk and like 3 boxes full of giveaways}This year it looks like it may just be a couple boxes of giveaways. I've been real good this entire year with throwing out the unnecessary items. So it has been great ,even hubby mentioned something about a nice clean house everyday and He didn't know how I did it.I don't know how I did it either all it know is it got done. So It's not going to be that hard for me this time around to get rid of what we don't need and bless someone who may need it. I know one of the first things to go are my cute little cultural outfits Yep I will give those to someone who  needs them ,which is extremely hard for me(but I know if I write it down I will actually do it.)  Other than that Organize organize organize. That will be my middle name until it gets done. I wont be having any surprise visiters this year lol. Goodluck to you if you will be trying to acchomplish the same feat.

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