Wednesday, March 24, 2010

CAUTION Sisters at work

well heres what happened So everybody saw our grand opening of our blog!! It was great so many new things we even got awarded for the creativity of our blog.(Thanks to Nannie @ I don't want to get off track but as we were looking at our beautiful blog We realized (well Simple Christian Homemaker 1)realized the Gap. Yes there was a huge HUGE gap in the middle of our blog where a gap doesn't belong. SCH1 was compulsive on trying to get things on track . She did everything to try to fix that gap and I noticed the gap but it didnt bother me too badly.SCH1 on the other hand (has a little OCD) went off moving things,organizing things deleting things.Did you here the last part Deleting Things (an under statement) She deleted the whole blog. Than heartbroken SCH1 called me to tell me the news.So when I went on the blog I noticed the emptiness and thought about it as being normal.(considering what happened)So I continued to Post. As sweet as SCH1 is she let this carry on for a couple of days,then she couldn't take it anymore. SCH1 called me up on a mission and simply asked me DOES THAT GAP NOT GET ON YOUR NERVE?!? So I investigated to my surprise the GAP that I thought was gone from the deletion of (everything but the post and some pics) was BIGGER! SCH1 had put alot of the things on our blog But the darn GAP was bigger. So needless to say I SCH2 am a little  compulsive now on fixing this blog. Not overly OCD (yay right) But We will not stop until we fix this. We are sisters at work and will work to figure this out. By the way if you haven't noticed the gap take time to scroll allllllllllllllllllllll the way to the bottom where you will see all the wonderful blogs that we follow .

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