Monday, March 8, 2010


Just running around this morning trying to get everything done. If your anything like me than you love to get out the house whenever possible. So this morning I set my schedule for the day oh yeah it was a great schedule. My schedule was all tight together with no room for napping lol. Then I received a call from my mother in law asking if I would like to go walking, so off I went. Not realizing that she could and WOULD walk 3miles that's what we did. Also silly me I threw on my leg weights before I left because for sure I thought I couldn't possibly get a workout with MY MOTHER IN LAW(boy was I wrong,she wore me out)After I arrived back home I forgot that today was the day to give puppy a bath so out I went. WASH WASH WASH I scrubbed that dog. WHEW and WOWZA I was tired and almost started hyperventilating then I realized as much as I like to get out I need to take time for my self. I gave myself 30 min of nothing time just laying, me time. Moral of the story is no matter how busy you are TAKE TIME FOR YOURSELF (so you don't end up an overwhelmed wowza mess!


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